CMQ - February 1995


  1. Do We Need Sex Education?
  2. Dead Or Alive
  3. Nagging Doubts About Brain Death - David Albert Jones OP
  4. The Profession of Medicine: Health, Limits and the Contemporary Challenge - Robert J Barnet MD., MA.
  5. Musings of A Student (Part Two) - Clare Walker
  6. Neuropathological Findings in Cases of Persistent Vegetative State - Michael Jarmulowicz BSc MB MRCPath
  7. Gene Therapy, Stewardship and the Purpose of Medicine - Agneta Sutton
  8. Report on the Faith Communities Liason Committee Meeting - Michael Jarmulowicz
  9. Advance Directives: Comments of the Guild to the British Medical Association Working Party
  10. In the Steps of St. Augustine - Michael Straiton KSG MB
  11. A Medical Family At St. Peters - Adrian & Josephine Treloar
  12. Old Frog Opines
  13. Tadpole Observes
  14. The American Scene
  15. Homily Preached At the Requiem Mass of Christine Mary Kelly - Archbishop Couve De Murville