The United Kingdom’s current devolution settlement
leads to unrepresentative government and has an
inbuilt bias towards ‘big government’. This situation
is exacerbated because nations with devolved
government are over-represented in the UK parliament
compared with their population, when it might be
expected that they would be under-represented.
• The UK has the most centralised government of the
G7, as measured by the proportion of revenue raised
by sub-central government. In the UK, only 5 per cent
of revenue is raised locally, compared with 50 per cent
in Canada and 13 per cent in France, which is the next
most centralised country by this measure.
• Measured by the proportion of total government
spending undertaken by sub-central government, the
UK does not fare quite as badly. However, it is among
a group of three countries in which between 20 and
30 per cent of all government spending takes place
at sub-central central government levels – this is
much less than the G7 average. A further indication
of the degree of centralisation in the UK is the fact
that, in 2011, local authorities had over 1,300 statutory
duties laid down by parliament. In other words, local
government has substantial spending responsibilities,
but very often these involve fulfilling statutory
• There are a number of benefits from decentralising
government, e.g. it promotes greater experimentation,
better matching of services to local preferences and
greater competition between providers of governmentfunded
• Theory is confirmed by the evidence. Fiscal
decentralisation is associated with higher national
income, better school performance and higher levels
of investment. In particular, the decentralisation
of revenue-raising powers has a stronger effect on
performance than the decentralisation of spending.
The evidence suggests that increasing the local share
of taxation from 5 per cent to 20 per cent (still low by
G7 standards) could raise GDP per capita by 6 per cent.
With especially low levels of revenue decentralisation,
and as a large country, the UK is in a particularly
good position to gain from transferring powers and
revenue-raising responsibilities from central to local
• The UK needs to reform in two areas. Firstly, a federal
state should be created with Scotland and either the
rest of the UK (RUK), or England, Wales and Northern
Ireland separately, becoming nations within a federal
union. The federal government should have a very
limited number of powers including defence, foreign
affairs and border control and a small parliament and
executive. No other proposed solution to the ‘English
question’ can provide the same stability or beneficial
economic outcomes. Secondly, there should be radical
decentralisation of powers within Scotland and RUK
to local government. The principle that should be
followed is that of ‘subsidiarity’: this does not mean
central government pushing powers downwards while
keeping ultimate control. Rather, control should be at
the local level unless functions cannot be performed
locally. Current UK government proposals to devolve
powers to cities do not deal with the problems
identified by this research and may well exacerbate
• Federal states have a tendency towards centralisation,
the US being an important example. Centralisation
would be prevented by requiring unanimity among
the parliaments of all the individual nations as well as
agreement of the federal parliament before any further
powers were passed to the federal (UK) level.
• Within the federal nations, responsibility for the
following should be transferred from national
government to the local level: environmental policy;
working-age welfare; education and health; granting
of permissions for and regulation of natural resource
exploitation; lifestyle regulation; policing; and housing
and planning. Local authorities could join together to
provide some functions, such as policing, where local
geography or other circumstances make that desirable.
In addition, there should be complementary reforms to
promote autonomy for individuals, families and civil
society institutions, especially in relation to health
and education.
• Except for working-age welfare, which would be largely
financed by government grant but administered by
local government, all local government functions
would be financed entirely by local revenue streams.
These would come from user charges and from some
combination of the following, to be determined at
local level: taxes modelled on the current council tax;
land value taxes; taxes on business property; natural
resource levies; consumption taxes; variation in
income taxes; and tourist taxes.
• Two crucial principles must be applied when
implementing these proposals. Firstly, revenue
must be raised by the layer of government that
is undertaking spending. Secondly, one layer of
government must not bail out the debts incurred
by any other layer of government. To prevent the
problems seen in the euro zone, the central bank
would not accept Scottish or RUK (or English, Welsh
and Northern Irish if appropriate) bonds as collateral
in monetary policy operations.