Armstrong, Victoria (2008) Hard bargaining on the hard drive: gender bias in the music technology classroom. Gender & Education, 20 (4). 375 - 386. ISSN 09540253 DOI:
Cherry, Brigid (2008) Gothics and Grand Guignols: Violence and the Gendered Aesthetics of Cinematic Horror. Participations: Journal of Audience and Reception Studies, 5 (1). ISSN 1749-8716
Glaister, Mark ORCID:, Howatson, Glyn, Abraham, Corinne S., Lockey, Richard A., Goodwin, Jon E., Foley, Paul and McInnes, Gillian
Caffeine Supplementation and Multiple Sprint Running Performance.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 40 (10).
pp. 1835-1840.
ISSN 0195-9131
Glaister, Mark ORCID:, Howatson, Glyn, Pattison, John R.
ORCID: and McInnes, Gillian
The Reliability and Validity of Fatigue Measures During Multiple-Sprint Work: An Issue Revisited.
Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research:, 22 (5).
pp. 1597-1601.
ISSN 1064-8011
Grey, Mary (2008) Book review: Duncan Macpherson (ed.), A Living Stone: Selected Essays and Addresses by Michael Prior CM (London: Living Stones of the Holy Land Trust and Melisende, 2006). 309pp. Hardback. ISBN 0 9552088 0 7. Holy Land Studies: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 7 (2). pp. 231-232. ISSN 14749475
Grey, Mary (2008) Book review: Jean Zaru, Occupied with Non-Violence: A Palestinian Woman Speaks (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2008), edited by Diana L. Eck and Marla Schrader. 176pp. Paperback. ISBN 978 0 8006 6317 9. Holy Land Studies: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 7 (2). pp. 234-235. ISSN 14749475
Grey, Mary (2008) Book review: Nur Masalha, The Bible and Zionism: Invented Traditions, Archaeology, and Post-Colonialism in Israel–Palestine (London and New York: Zed Books, 2007). Pp. 366. Paperback. ISBN 987-1-84277-761-9. Holy Land Studies: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 7 (1). pp. 111-113. ISSN 14749475
Howatson, Glyn and Van Someren, Ken A. (2008) The Prevention and Treatment of Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage. Sports Medicine, 38 (6). 483 - 503. ISSN 01121642
Hunt, Geoffrey (2008) Negotiating Global Priorities for Technologies. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 12 (3). pp. 275-277. ISSN 1530-9290 DOI:
Ingham, Stephen A., Whyte, G., Pedlar, Charles ORCID:, Bailey, David M., Dunman, Natalie and Nevill, Alan M.
Determinants of 800-m and 1500-m Running Performance Using Allometric Models.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 40 (2).
pp. 345-350.
ISSN 0195-9131
Keown, John and Jones, David Albert ORCID:
Surveying the Foundations of Medical Law: A Reassessment of Glanville Williams's The Sanctity of Life and the Criminal Law.
Medical Law Review, 16 (1).
pp. 85-126.
ISSN 0967-0742
Mahay, Gurmit and Stammers, Trevor ORCID:
Should GPs offer email consultations?.
Pulse, 68 (43).
p. 23.
ISSN 00486000
Manning, Vincent and Grey, Mary (2008) Debating Theologies of Liberation and the Challenge of Ecofeminist Spirituality : Comments on "To Rwanda and Back: Liberation, Spirituality and Reconciliation" by Mary Grey. Holy Land Studies: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 7 (1). pp. 95-98. ISSN 14749475 DOI:
Masalha, Nur (2008) Palestine 1947: pour en finir avec le mythe de la "terre sans peuple". Qantara: magazine des cultures arabe et méditerranéenne (69). pp. 10-14.
Masalha, Nur (2008) Remembering the Palestinian Nakba: Commemoration, Oral History and Narratives of Memory. Holy Land Studies: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 7 (2). 123 - 156. ISSN 14749475 DOI:
Matthews, Pia ORCID:
Book review: Approaching the End: A Theological Exploration of Death and Dying.
Pastoral Review, May/Ju.
Matthews, Pia ORCID:
Book review: Humanae vitae 40 years on by G.J. Woodall.
Nicholson, John W. and Czarnecka, Beata (2008) Kinetic studies of water uptake and loss in glass-ionomer cements. Journal of Materials Science; Materials in Medicine, 19 (4). pp. 1723-1727. ISSN 0957-4530
North, Jamie S. ORCID: and Williams, A. Mark
Identifying the critical time period for information extraction when recognising sequences of play.
Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 79 (2).
pp. 268-273.
ISSN 0270-1367
Norton, Claire ORCID:
Book review: D. S. Richards, The Chronicle of Ibn al-Athīr for the Crusading Period from al-Kāmil f ī'l-ta'rīkh. Part 2 The Years 541–589/1146–1193: The Age of Nur al-Din and Saladin Crusade Texts in Translation 15 (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007). Pp. 437. Hardback. ISBN 978-0-7546-4078-3.
Holy Land Studies: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 7 (1).
pp. 116-118.
ISSN 14749475
Norton, Claire ORCID:
Review Article: Terror and Toleration, East and West, Despotic and Free: Dichotomous Narratives and Representations of Islam.
Holy Land Studies: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 7 (2).
pp. 221-228.
ISSN 14749475
Norton, Claire ORCID:
Terror and Toleration, East and West, Despotic and Free: Dichotomous Narratives and Representations of Islam.
Holy Land Studies: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 7 (2).
221 - 228.
ISSN 14749475
Patterson, Stephen D. ORCID:, Reid, Suzanne, Gray, Stuart and Nimmo, Myra
The response of plasma interleukin-6 and its soluble receptors to exercise in the cold in humans.
Journal of Sports Sciences, 26 (9).
pp. 927-933.
Pedlar, Charles ORCID:, Whyte, G. and Godfrey, R.
Pre-acclimation to exercise in normobaric hypoxia.
European Journal of Sport Science, 8 (1).
pp. 15-21.
ISSN 1746-1391
Regan, Bernard ORCID:
The State of Israel and the Apartheid Regime of South Africa in Comparative Perspective.
Holy Land Studies: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 7 (2).
pp. 201-212.
ISSN 14749475
Richardson, Glenn ORCID:
England and France in the Sixteenth Century.
History Compass, 6 (2).
pp. 510-528.
ISSN 1478-0542
Salter, Gemma, Seigal, Anna, Claxton, Melanie, Lawrence, Kate ORCID: and Skuse, David H.
Can autistic children read the mind of an animated triangle?
Autism, 12 (4).
pp. 349-371.
Tavakoli, Parvaneh and Foster, Pauline ORCID:
Task Design and Second Language Performance: The Effect of Narrative Type on Learner Output.
Language Learning, 58 (2).
pp. 439-473.
ISSN 1467-9922
Tian, Lijun, Jeffries, Owen ORCID:, McClafferty, H., Molyvdas, A., Rowe, I. C. M., Saleem, F., Chen, L., Greaves, J., Chamberlain, L. H., Knaus, H.-G., Ruth, P. and Shipston, Michael J.
Palmitoylation gates phosphorylation-dependent regulation of BK potassium channels.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105 (52).
pp. 21006-21011.
ISSN 0027-8424
Cherry, Brigid (2008) Subcultural Tastes, Genre Boundaries and Fan Canons. In: Geraghty, Lincoln and Jancovich, Mark, (eds.) The Shifting Definitions of Genre: Essays on Labeling Films, Television Shows and Media. McFarland, Jefferson, pp. 201-215. ISBN 9780786434305
Clarke, Paul (2008) Using an Established School Improvement Program to Build Capacity at School and System Level: Improving The Quality Of Education For All (IQEA) The Hong Kong Programme. In: Lee, John Chi-kin and Shiu, Ling-po, (eds.) Developing teachers and developing schools in changing contexts. Educational Studies Series . Chinese University Press, Sha Tin, Hong Kong, pp. 315-336. ISBN 9789629963774
Esler, Philip (2008) La muerte de Jesús y el Siervo sufriente de Isaías: aproximación psico-sociológica a una cuestión histórica y teológica. In: Bernabé, Carmen and Gil, Carlos, (eds.) Reimaginando los orígenes del cristianismo. Editorial Verbo Divino, Estella, Spain, pp. 171-192. ISBN 9788481697711
Gibbons, Robin (2008) Persecution and Ecumenism. In: Murphy, Francesca Aran and Asprey, Christopher, (eds.) Ecumenism Today :The Universal Church in the 21st Century. Ashgate, Aldershot, pp. 213-220. ISBN 9780754659617
Hopper, Keith (2008) Undoing the fanaticism of meaning of Neil Jordan's Angel. In: Farquharson, Danine and Farrell, Sean, (eds.) Shadows of the gunmen: violence and culture in Modern Ireland. Cork University Press, Cork, pp. 119-141. ISBN 9781859184240
Jones, David Albert ORCID:
John Paul II and Moral Theology.
In: O'Collins, Gerald and Hayes, Michael, (eds.)
The Legacy of Pope John Paul II.
Continuum, pp. 79-109.
ISBN 9780860124405
Masalha, Nur (2008) Jordan: History. In: The Middle East and North Africa 2009. Europa Regional Surveys of the World . Routledge, London, pp. 604-635. ISBN 9781857434729
Masalha, Nur (2008) Palestinian autonomous areas: history and economy. In: The Middle East and North Africa 2009. Europa Regional Surveys of the World . Routledge, London, pp. 910-951. ISBN 9781857434729
Norton, Claire ORCID:
Erasing oral residue and correcting scribal error: re-interpreting the presence of mnemo-technical practices in Ottoman manuscripts in the early modern period.
In: Wojcik, Rafal, (ed.)
Culture of Memory in East Central and in the late Middle Ages and Early Modern Period conference proceedings, Ciążeń, march 12-14, 2008.
Biblioteka Uniwersytecka, Poznan, pp. 27-42.
ISBN 9788360961001
Richards, Shaun (2008) Subjects of 'the machinery of citizenship': The Death and Resurrection of Mr Roche and The Gentle Island at the Dublin Theatre Festival. In: Grene, Nicholas; Lonergan, Patrick and Chambers, Lilian, (eds.) Interactions: Dublin Theatre Festival 1957-2007. Carysfort Press, Dublin, pp. 61-74. ISBN 9781904505365
Richardson, Glenn ORCID:
Anne of the Thousand Days.
In: Doran, Susan and Freeman, Thomas, (eds.)
Tudors and Stuarts on Film: Historical Perspectives.
Palgrave Macmillan, London, pp. 60-74.
ISBN 9781403940711
Richardson, Glenn ORCID:
Introduction The contending kingdoms: France and England 1420-1700.
In: Richardson, Glenn, (ed.)
The Contending Kingdoms: England and France 1420-1700.
Ashgate, Aldershot, pp. 1-22.
ISBN 9780754657897
James, Maria (2008) Splitting Image: reconceptualising teacher identity through the use of pictorial metaphor. In: The Teacher: Image, Icon and Identity., 2-4 July 2008, Glasgow University.. (Unpublished)
Altorf, Hannah Marije ORCID:
Iris Murdoch and the Art of Imagining.
Continuum studies in British philosophy
Continuum, London.
ISBN 9780826497574
Masalha, Nur (2008) La Biblia y el sionismo: Invención de una tradición y discurso poscolonia. Biblioteca del islam contemporáneo. Serie Ibn Jaldún . Edicions Bellaterra, Barcelona. ISBN 9788472904231
Masalha, Nur (2008) La expulsión de los palestinos: el concepto de "transferencia" en el pensamiento político sionista, 1882-1948. Bósforo Libros, Madrid.
Stammers, Trevor ORCID: and Doak, Tim
Saving sex: answers to teenagers' questions about relationships and sex.
Damaris, Milton Keynes.
ISBN 9781904753148
Daniel, Alastair Kevin (2008) A comparative study of the spatial semiotics of theatre and contemporary Church of England liturgy. PhD thesis, St Mary's University College.
Dyczek, Christopher (2008) Christian apologetics, memory and hope, in the writings of F. Ozanman, B. Jowett and F.J. Doelger. PhD thesis, St Mary's University College.
Heath, Maria L. (2008) Mission in contemporary Catholic theology: its understanding and practice among lay people in four English parishes. PhD thesis, St Mary's University College.